March 1, 2014

[TWEAKS][2.3-4.4] Reincarnation Engine v3 | The Most Minimal Script [11 March 2014]


This is a tweak that made by Rhievaldo from xda-developers. It is aimed to be minimal.

Original thread:

- This tweak is for all Android-powered devices from 2.3.x-4.4.x.
- Try at your own risk.
- Be rooted
- You must have any ROM/kernel with init.d support
- You must have clean ROM / no other tweaks included

- New script on RAM management, Low Memory Killer values really adjusted on Android 4.x above even on CyanogenMod, AOKP and other
- Read and Write speed tweaks
- Dalvik Virtual Memory tweaks
- Clean up Junk files every boot
- I/O tweak ( no scheduler tweaked )
- Network tweaks
- Zipalign tweaks

How to install?
1. Reboot to recovery
2. Install zip
3. Done, Reboot


- Installer (v3, RC1): (for Gingerbread 2.3.x users) (for ICS 4.0.x users) (for JB 4.1.x) (for JB 4.2.x) (for JB 4.3.x) (for KK 4.4.x users)
- Build.prop tweaks (for CyanogenMod ROM users):

- Uninstaller:

- ImbaWind
- slaid480
- zeppelinrox
- Juwe11
- pikachu01
- darky
- ivcha90

Changelog (v2, 5 March 2014):
- Added, this script will tweak your build.prop and delete the same line automatically also will make clean your rom, delete old tweak which will conflicted, but may not perfectly so i guess you to manually clean your ROM
- Some Read and Write values changed to 2048
- Added and changed Dalvik VM Tweak values
- File zipalign renamed to 99darky_zipalign
- Added smoothness tweak
- Flashable zip to tweak CyanogenMod from Build.prop added.

Changelog (v3, 11 March 2014):
- First Release Candidate for Daily use
- Added support for JB 4.1.x and 4.3.x
- Added sqlite database optimized script
- Change some VM Values