This is a kernel that made by Afrizal Firmansyah from xda-developers. It is available in two versions, one for stock/stock based ROMs and CM/CM based ROMs.
- This is a kernel that only MADE for Samsung Galaxy Y GT-S5360 (other variants are supported expect GT-S5369)
- Do it at your own risk.
- init.d Support
- Ext2/3/4
- Swap Support
- Droidwall
- A2SD
- Link2Sd
- Some Gov Tweak
- Bootsplash
- OOM Tweak
- OC 1.2 GHz (fake?)
- Zram Support
- CWM Recovery
- Amarullz script supported
- Cm Support
- Arm Cpu Topolgy
- Frandom
- Dual Boot Support
- Battery Live Extender (BLX) Version 1.
- CPU frequencies:
- 1248 MHz
- 936 MHz
- 832 MHz
- 624 MHz
- 468 MHz
- 312 MHz
- 156 MHz
- 104 MHz
- Governors:
- hotplug
- galaxyics
- sakuractive
- jarvis
- zzmoove
- wheatleyplus
- wheatley
- virtuous
- superbad,
- smoothass
- smartassH3
- smartassv2
- smartass
- sleepy
- scary
- savagedZen
- ondemandx
- minmax
- lulzactive
- lazy
- lagfree
- interactiveX
- interactive
- intellidemand2
- intellidemand
- gallimaufry
- darkside
- brazilianwax
- badass
- AssWax
- aggresiveX
- aggresive
- conservative
- ondemand
- userspace
- powersave
- bcm21553
- lionheart
- hyper
- gallimaufryx
- performance
- I/O Schedulers:
- as
- bfq
- noop
- deadline
- cfq
- vr
- sio
- sioplus
- zem
- arf
- row
- fifo
How to install?
- Jarvis:
1. Go To Stock Recovery Flash CWM Flashable zip
2. Mount System
3. Flash Jarvis Kernel
4. Reboot.
- Jarvis-CM:
1. Download Kernel, Put On Sdcads And Do In The Folder
2. Reboot Into Recovery, Select Install From Sdcard, Select First CWM.
3. Once in Cwm, Go Into System And Mount System (If Already Mount Forget)
4. Back, Install From sdcard Select Jarvis-CM Kernel
5. Finish, Back
6. Reboot Recovery
7. Select Mount in Recovery
8. Choose Format cache, system and data. (Changing rfs To ext4)
9. Mount All (cache, system, sdcard, data)
10. Then Install From sdcard, choose zip from SD Card and flash any CM/CM-based rom that you have downloaded.
11. Reboot
- Jarvis v2.2 #29:
- Jarvis-CM v1.2 #2: